Is There an Uber for Seniors? Senior Transportation 101
One of the toughest challenges life can throw at us is aging. It is a blessing that not every person gets to enjoy, and we don’t argue with that. But it also comes with a flip side that we don’t always lend a thought to.
Besides all the physical changes that happen and that we need to make peace with, aging can also steal one of the greatest advantages of life: your independence. This is where having options for senior transportation can make life easier.
Many new and existing companies are offering services to find transportation conveniently for seniors to stay independent and healthy. With new knowledge of how ridesharing services work, your loved one will be back to traveling on their own with ease.
There are several ridesharing options, but Uber and Lyft remain the industry leaders. If you’re looking for the perfect senior citizen transportation options, read on for more information.
Life Without Transport: What Does it Mean?
Living without transport leads to an increase in dependence on others. It means you are no longer in charge of where you go and who you see. It is a huge contributor to loneliness. It can compound isolation, and it means that access to basic needs — like grocery shopping or even healthcare — can be completely restricted.
It is not something that any of us would like to face, yet our senior citizens are facing this unappealing prospect daily.
What Choice is There?
Often in senior living facilities, shuttles are provided which offer freedom to residents. But this is not the same as the total independence that residents have been used to in their younger days, as these are limited in number and only run at certain times.
This can prove frustrating for anyone who is used to being in charge of their own lives. Many senior living facilities are now partnering with Uber and Lyft, allowing the front desk to call for Uber and billing the client after the fact, allowing a degree of independence to flourish.
Is There Some Way of Retaining Independence?
The answer is yes! You may reach an age where your eyesight isn’t what it once was, which normally would signal the end of your driving days. But quite honestly, there should come a time when the car keys should be firmly hung up for the last time. You should no longer have to feel the stresses of the road.
That is what Uber is for. They have kindly taken the stress out of the driving experience so that our seniors can sit back and enjoy the journey.
They do this without worrying seniors with all the new-fangled apps on mobile phones that can be scarily confusing! Uber, partnering with Lyft, has recently launched a pilot program that allows senior citizens access to transport without needing to make use of any apps.
Is Senior Ridesharing Safe?
It is safe! As with any Uber vehicle requested, there are ways to ensure you are in the right hands.
Uber will always send you details of your ride, and it is up to you to check the registration of the vehicle with the one we have sent you. Another way to make sure you are in the right vehicle is to ask the driver who they are collecting. Remember to always wear your seat belt and to share your ride details with loved ones.
How Does It Work?
Apps can be very intimidating for senior citizens unfamiliar with them.
They often fear using apps that will cost money, as there are so many scams out there. It is a real problem for us all, and our senior citizens are often warned off by hearing horror stories about friends, or friends of friends, being scammed. So Uber has joined forces with Lyft, to provide a safe and carefree experience for older users.
Is It Easy to Use?
The collaboration between Uber and RideWith24 has made the ridesharing process simple for seniors. There is a call-in service that allows seniors to dial the telephone number and speak with an operator who will make a ride-booking and take payment over the phone, making it a hassle-free experience for our senior citizens.
Who Else Uses This Service?
It’s not only senior citizens who have discovered the peace of mind that this new service offers.
Hospitals and home care centers, among others, have also signed on to making use of Uber’s new options. It saves these medical facilities a huge amount of money, as Uber is cheaper than a taxi service and much more user-friendly than public transport.
Is It Working?
The pilot program is showing astounding results. It has been seen to be exceeding expectations among the senior community, and it is showing potential for all kinds of other businesses to make use of senior transportation.
Not only senior citizens, but car dealerships, hotels and more have found astounding value in this exciting new service Uber has on offer.
Our professional philosophy is built on compassion and love. Our skilled associates have expertise in delivering exceptional care to your loved ones.
If you’d like to learn more about providing the best senior care to your loved ones, contact us today for more information and to learn about how we can help. We have over 75 years of experience and offer a complimentary consultation.